Monday, January 28, 2008

Would you like some bread/olive oil/prosciutto/salami with that wine?

Last Wednesday we went to a Chianti winery somewhere off in the Tuscan landscape. After a nauseating hour on the bus there (we actually had to pull over at one point for a bunch of people to get off and walk around so they didn’t puke), we got off and marveled over the amazing view. We were high up on a hill overlooking the vineyard, and we could see hills and in the distance, mountains with snowy caps. (Remember that if you click on the picture, you’ll see it at its original size.)

Then we got a quick tour of the winery, which is actually inside a castle that was built in the Medieval period. The man who started the business back in the 1400’s was an explorer who discovered the Hudson River in New York. On the wall were three stones from New York and an anchor commemorating his past.

While we were taking the tour, we got to see them loading some vines or something into this tractor. It all looked very official, but nobody explained anything to us.

The whole place was gorgeous.

We saw where they raised “wild” boar to make salami and prosciutto, but alas, no boars.

Then we got to go inside the castle and look at the casks and barrels of wine. It was very much what one would expect, I guess.

They prefer plastic bungs to cork nowadays, so this shot isn’t as quaint as I would have liked…

This was the owner’s special reserve of 300-year-old wine.

The best part of the day was most certainly the wine tasting. We walked into a big open room that overlooked the vista, and sat at four big tables. Here’s Melissa and Ryan at my table (and you can sort of see the room in the background).

And here's Neil and me with the huge window behind us. (You can't see it, but there was a really amazing view.)

The first wine we had was a mix of two red and two white grapes. We had that with an all-red wine that was a little more full-bodied. With those wines we got bread, prosciutto and salami. Since they were made at the vineyard, it was all really fresh and delicious. Our third wine was the special reserve. It was definitely the strongest of the three but, without a doubt, my favorite. We got bread drizzled in their house olive oil with salt and parmesan cheese on top. (They also make honey, but I didn’t get to try any of that.) That was especially good with prosciutto on top. Finally we had the dessert wine, which was amber in color. We only had a shot glass full of it because it was REALLY strong. It sort of numbed the tongue if you drank a big sip of it. They served us a huge basket of biscotti that you could dunk in the dessert wine. We got really full (after already eating a full lunch, mind you); it was probably the best food I’ve had since I’ve been here.

After dinner I wandered around for a bit and caught the incredibly gorgeous sunset.

(And a moldy-looking roof.)

The bus ride back was less nauseating, but much louder. People settled in after a while, though, and we enjoyed a ride through the Tuscan landscape at dusk.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Futbol, Fiesole

I. Danger, Danger!

Before I get to Saturday, I should probably mention our Friday night. After returning to Pisa, we had a quick dinner (though I can’t even remember what we ate now), and then headed out to a bar called Mayday. I’d never been, but a lot of people wanted to go because they gave them a lot of free stuff before. We sat in a huge group (like 15 or 16 people!), so I didn’t have a great time. I was sitting off to the side and couldn’t talk to anyone. But I did get something called a Blueberry Farm, which was vodka, triple sec and blueberry juice. It was really really good…! But it cost 7 Euro, so we’ve decided that we’re not going to go out that often. A bunch of people got really really drunk, which I was surprised at since 1) we’re in a strange city and 2) drinks were so expensive that you’d have to drop about 30 Euro to get drunk! I’m glad I didn’t, because I made the stupid decision of wearing high heels. Then we decided to walk the approximate mile home—I still have blisters. It’s fun to go out with friends, but this particular evening wasn’t my favorite so far.

II. Futbol

Anyway, we made plans to eat lunch together on Saturday, but we couldn’t find the place we were looking for (Danny Rock, a supposedly American restaurant for students, closes on the weekends), so we had some pretty awful and overpriced pasta at a cafeteria. Then I wandered around near the Duomo looking in shop windows. I saw a pair of boots that I might just die over, but they recently took them out of the window, so I don’t know if they have them anymore. Plus, they were 99 Euro. Well, I still have to go and see if they’re there.

The exciting bit about Saturday isn’t any of those misadventures, though. We went to see the soccer match between Florence and Torino. It was a blast! We were sitting in the absolute nose-bleediest section possible, but it was a smallish stadium so it really didn’t matter. I spent the first half of the game playing with my camera and got some pretty cool pictures. Florence was purple and Torino was white. The refs are dressed in red. WE WON!

This section of the crowd was a standing-only section. They were led by a guy on a big platform and chanted all the songs. We only knew the one where you scream "AL´E VIOLA" and could only jump along to "Jump if you hate the other team."

And here's Caitlin with halo-like lighting.

And Arielle and Melissa

After the soccer game we walked around downtown and ended up at an Irish pub (yeah, I know, whatever), called The Lion's Head. The music was way too loud, but it was all good American stuff—it was very comforting.

III. Fiesole

The next day, we all made plans to take the number seven bus to Fiesole, a small town a couple of miles away, where there were Roman and Etruscan ruins. We didn’t have a guide, so I didn’t really learn much (all the signs were in Italian). But we went to a museum there, and I got to see a lot of really cool Greek pottery, Etruscan bucchero vessels, and little ceremonial pitchers for babies (so cute!!). Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of that stuff, since it wasn’t allowed, but you can look it up.

When we first walked on the site, the ampitheater was right in front of us. It's amazing that it's still pretty much intact. The acoustics were amazing, too.

Hannah (standing), then Caitlin, Melissa and my room mate, Caitlin.

These cute little squat trees were placed sporadically around--they were really cute!

That's a barrel vault! And my room mate (whom I'm going to call Caitlin D. from now on) is climbing the stairs, Hannah's taking a picture, Johanna is peeking around, Caitlin is waving her arms, and Will is making a funny face.

The biggest part of the site was this cluster of Roman baths. Nothing really remained but perfectly rectangular holes.

I distracted everyone from looking at the vomitorium long enough to take this lovely photo. (Left to right: Will, Caitlin S., Johanna, Melissa)

We stopped along one part of the path to take a group photo--and you see me for the first time! (An obliging British woman took this with Melissa's camera.) (Left to right: Ryan, Neil, Johanna, Will, Melissa, Caitlin D., Caitlin S., Hannah, me.)

And later on, we admired the "bella vista," as we call it here. It would have been nice, had the day not been so dreary--but it's still pretty bella. To the left:

Straight ahead:

To the right:

And then after being very mature and admiring all the Roman innovation, we became goofy college kids and played on the rocks.

IV. It doesn't start with an F, but you can read about Madame Butterfly anyway.

On Tuesday evening, ACM took us to see Madame Butterfly by Puccini. It was pretty fabulous! I don’t really know how to describe the opera—if you’re really interested, just go to iTunes. But the theater was really nice. We had really cheap seats, but even though they were high up, they weren’t actually that far back. I sat right on edge of the balcony, and it had a glass wall—I seriously felt like I’d fall over the edge with any sudden movement. But I really enjoyed it. Samuele, Janet, Patricia and Elisabetta came with us. Elisabetta said the next day in class that Samuele left early because he thought the conductor “was a dog,” that he let the orchestra play too loud over the singers. I agree—it was difficult to hear the lead male at times. But I’m still infinitely amused by Samuele. He’s my favorite Italian thus far. Regardless of the volume, the costumes were amazing (even though in her white kimono and Japanese wig Madame Butterfly had a tendancy to look like Princess Leia), and a couple of the voices were just phenomenal. There was an adorable little kid as Dolore, too. He had this hilarious blonde wig on, though, and every time he was just about to get off stage he adjusted it. Anyway, I cried. What more can you want?

I’ll post pictures from my trip to the chianti winery next week. I know it was Wednesday, but it’s been busy! We just had our final test in Italian today. I think I did well, but it’s really weird to have a test three weeks after you’ve just started learning something. I’m really learning quickly, though! We took a fieldtrip to an Italian bookstore, and I bought a copy of Candide in Italian—not just because I love that book, but because I read the first page and actually understood it! We’ll see if I can get through the whole thing.

P.S. I bought a year-long subscription to Flickr, since they only let you upload 100 MB of pictures a month. So now I have unlimited space! Be prepared for ridiculous amounts of photos!!

P.P.S. We got gelato at Pisa. It was delicious!

P.P.P.S. If you can't see these photos very well, if you click on them, they'll open up in a new window and get a lot bigger--you can see detail in everybody's face that way.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Duomos All Around

Well! Thanks to Anna’s unfailing kindness, I got my camera battery all charged up, and I’m ready to share with you the pretty incredible weekend I had. I guess I should start with the trip to the Florence Duomo, though, even though that happened on Thursday.

I. Duomo, Dome-o, Donatello

We really started by looking at the exterior of the Baptistry—specifically the doors designed by Pisano (you know, that guy whose sculptures I already posted from Siena) and Ghiberti. The two doors on either side of the Baptistry have that same recurring quatrefoil pattern I mentioned earlier (but misspelled). The two artists had to squish their designs into these little decorative shapes, so Pisano’s are pretty plain looking, but Ghiberti does some interesting things with perspective. Each side tells a story. Pisano’s doors show the life of John the Baptist with eight panels of different virtues on the bottom.

Here’s a detail of John the Baptist being laid to rest (after his head’s been reattached). He just suggests that they’re in a church with the shorthand of architectural forms on top. Whatever, I guess it works.

This floral stuff goes all around the outside of the door, and it was made by Pisano’s son. It’s really amazing. The little putti (decorative babies—no joke) are on both corners, and there are women on the bottom in relief holding up the foliage.

Ghiberti’s doors on the other side are the famed ones he competed against Brunelleschi for. The theme is the life of Christ.

In these two panels, Ghiberti shows the scenes from an angle, rather than straight on. It gives the panels a little more life and dimension. On the left is Christ chasing the people out of the temple, and then on the right is the calling of St. Peter.

This one is Christ entering Jerusalem. I just like the donkey. Heh…

There is, of course, a third set of doors. I didn’t take a picture of them, since the ones that are up are not the real thing! We got to see the actual panels in the Duomo Museum, but I’ll post them later on. They’re separated to be cleaned, but once the last three panels are finished, they’re going to reassemble the doors and put them… somewhere. Anyway, since it was a nice day, I finally got a decent shot of the outside of the Baptistry! I guess you can see the gold doors from here.

Then we went in the Duomo! It’s not as decorative as some of the cathedrals I’ve been in, but everything looks very crisp. And it’s enormous. (There’s Caitlin, my room mate, admiring the ribvaults.) The floor is a really elaborate pattern, and they actually took the marble from the façade of the old cathedral they tore down when they built the Duomo.

I have a lot of shots of the interior, but they are all pretty blurry. I mean, first of all, you really can’t capture the feeling of the inside of a cathedral like this with film. My wide-angle lens makes it pretty close to the real thing, but it’s still not IT. On a better day I’ll go in and get some pictures with more lighting. I did get a good one of the dome, though. It’s an elaborate Last Judgment scene (my favorite!). The damned are on the bottom of the dome being eaten by all sorts of cool demons, and the saved are higher up. There’s Jesus in the middle (with a big hole by his head, I have no idea why). And way at the top of the dome are some saints or angels or something (I wasn’t paying 100% attention), but they’re painted in perspective. It’s really cool—I don’t know if you can see it on this photo though.

We exited out the side of the building, and I took some pictures of the façade. The building is literally too big to photograph in one piece, though, so you’ll have to construct it in your mind. (Don’t worry—I’ll post the front at the end! I’m saving the best for last.)

The Duomo Museum is behind the cathedral next to a bunch of really touristy shops. I had no idea what I was about to see inside—two of the most famous pieces of art I remember studying in art history…! But let me first share this awesome Nanni di Banco sculpture of St. Luke. I decided that even though Donatello is amazing, Nanni di Banco is seriously undercelebrated. (Sorry about the weird cropping. I took it off-kilter and had to tilt the photo, and in doing so lopped off a third of the sculpture.)

This sculpture was made for the façade, which was to have all four evangelists. They moved them inside with most of the rest of the original works on the façade. Anyway, the people who commissioned the four evangelists got Donatello, Nanni di Banco and some other artist whose name I can’t recall at the moment to each do one, and the winner would get to do the fourth. Nobody won, since the patron got impatient and just hired somebody else to do the fourth. Nanni and Donatello enjoyed success after this project because of the advancements in sculpture they employed, but the other two artists never worked in Florence again. You can see a little better in Donatello’s what exactly it was that they were doing—by elongating the torso and neck, the sculpture looks perfectly in proportion from below (since these were going to be placed high above, people would naturally be looking up at them). The other two artists used conventional proportions, so their evangelists look squished. Here’s Donatello’s St. John. (He even covered the exaggerated neck with a long beard—always thinking!)

We went through a couple rooms looking at reliquaries and little altarpieces, then walked up a short flight of stairs only to encounter THIS unbelievably famous sculpture—one of Michelangelo’s last works that remains unfinished. It’s a deposition scene, but the top figure is actually a self-portrait. Nobody knows why, but Michelangelo smashed Jesus’s left leg and never completed the project. He probably wouldn’t be real excited about seeing it on prominent display—but I was!

Now, you won’t believe this, but up just another short flight of stairs I came face to face with THIS sculpture! It’s Donatello’s Mary Magdalene, made out of wood and terra cotta. I remember liking this one a lot because it’s so rough and uncharacteristic of the Renaissance. She’s so emaciated and wiry, and her hair suit is a matted tangle that looks like it’s almost part of her.

And Donatello does awesome feet.

There were more reliquaries in the room with the Mary Magdalene, which thoroughly creeped me out, since there were actual bits of bone and such on prominent display. One had a weird round satchel in the middle of an arrangement of fingers. (Not a sentence you ever expected to read, is it?) Creepy, to say the least. And in the next room over was THIS creepy Donatello sculpture that was originally on the Duomo’s campanile [bell tower]. It was removed and replaced with a replica. I took a picture because I think his expression is so striking!

And at the end, we finally got to see the separated panels of Ghiberti’s doors. These are all Old Testament scenes, but Ghiberti requested to get rid of the quatrefoils and have bigger panels for more detail. This first one is the last scene of Jacob’s story. Ghiberti seems almost more interested in the architecture than the people—it’s amazing what he does with perspective in relief.

This one is the Queen of Sheba meeting King Solomon (I think it’s King Solomon, right?). More architecture!

So afterwards, we walked around the other side of the Duomo, only to come across the façade at the magic hour, and I took a photo worthwhile! The façade is actually a 19th century construction, so there’s not much Renaissance going on, but there are certainly a lot of Gothic influences. In any regard, I think it’s fantastic. (Because the people of Florence couldn’t go on without knowing my opinion, obviously.)

II. Pisa Pisa!

Our trip to Pisa was really just an afternoon adventure, since it only takes an hour to get there by train. (And I seriously can’t get over how ridiculously amazing it is to say that.) Had we stayed there longer, I would have loved to walk the little streets and take photos, but as it was, I only got these two. Pisa is much more quaint than Florence.

On our short walk to the complex, we walked through a small piazza with a statue erected to one of the Medicis—they’re everywhere. (Check out the dolphin under his foot!)

Fortunately, this creepy melted baby fountain is unique.

And a few crooked streets later, the Pisa complex!

Oh and HERE is your precious leaning tower. I’ll have you know it’s much smaller than you'd expect it to be. And it cost 15 Euro to take the stairs to the top. Lame! But seriously, my favorite part about the campanile is that even when they were building it it started to tilt, so instead of starting over, they just built the top levels at an angle to make it appear straighter than it was. And then it tipped some more. (A Nelson "Ha ha" is appropriate, I think.)

And my friends! From left to right: Caitlin (mine), Melissa, Caitlin, Johannah, Hannah, Jen, Arielle. (Jen is the one I split the cab with on our way from the airport. She is exceedingly nice.)

Janet, our teacher, corralled us on the back steps to the cathedral and gave us some background information on the complex. But I couldn’t hear her, so I took pictures of tourists. This one was a chance capture—I wish my camera hadn’t focused on the doors, but it’s a really interesting frame-up.

These guys were the coolest dudes on the complex.

And there were some really awesome gargoyles on the corners of the catherdal!

And Janet also pointed out to us that the Pisans reused marble from Roman structures, so a lot of the pieces have inscriptions that they either made crooked or put in upside down. I told Neil I thought this was the laziest cathedral we’d seen so far. He said I probably couldn’t have done a better job. He’s probably right.

We went inside, and I immediately revoked my declaration of laziness—Pisa’s my favorite cathedral so far. It is the first one we’ve seen with a double aisle. Also, since it’s a Romanesque building, and not quite yet Gothic, the ceiling is flat like a Basilica, and not vaulted. All the coffers were done in gold leaf, so the place glowed.

And as always, here’s the dome! It was painted in the Baroque period, but the subject is the Ascension of Mary.

After the Cathedral, we went into the Basilica, which was an incredible auditory experience. We walked in and Janet started to lecture, but this man walked to the center of the room and asked for quiet. Then he sang one long tone, let it reverberate for a few seconds, and then layered it with other notes. The acoustics were so incredible that the first note he sang lasted throughout his chant, which was about a minute. It could have something to do with the immense unadorned dome.

And me getting all arty again…

After the Basilica we went to the cemetery just next to the complex. It was really beautiful and there was a lot of information—I was just so tired that I didn’t retain all that much of it. I do remember, though, that in World War Two, British or Americans accidentally bombed the cemetery, destroying a lot of the frescoes that hung on the walls (which is why there’s all that exposed brick). What remains of them is now housed in a separate room, but it would have looked really incredible in its original location. You Those are all graves on the floor that were shared by different religious sects. Once someone decayed enough, they would just bury another person on top of them!

In the middle was an open plot of earth that was supposedly all brought back from the holy land. This way, people could rest assured that they would be buried on holy ground.

There were these really intricate Gothic windows along the corridors of the cemetery… so I took a picture…!

Upon leaving, we caught the magic hour yet AGAIN, so I have another fabulous shot of a façade.

We were supposed to go right back to the train, but most of us decided to hang around for a bit. We got gelato at a little stand (that was way overpriced), and then ambled back through the streets, but not before taking some ridiculous pictures with the leaning tower. It’s been my idea for SO LONG to take pictures of people holding up the tower out of context, and finally it is a reality!


Caitlin (not my room mate):

And here’s a bigger group of us looking somewhat confused. From left to right: Anne, Will, Kelli, Carmen, Johannah, Arielle, Amanda, Tessa, Brittany, Jen.

And again. Top row: Brittany, Will, Anne, Amanda; Seated: Ryan, Johannah, Melissa, Kelli, Carmen, Tessa.

We crossed the Arno (which is a lot wider in Pisa than in Florence) during the sunset, so I couldn’t help myself.

The Futbol match and Fiesole will have to wait until another day. I am pooped!