Monday, January 7, 2008

I've Landed

I finally found access to the Internet at an Internet cafe in Florence. My travels went pretty well--I flew into Munich from Chicago, then caught a connecting flight that was supposed to go to Florence, but there was a strong tail wind that made it too difficult to land, so we flew into Bologna and then took a bus to Florence. It was an inconvenience, but a really beautiful one, since I got to a bunch of different parts of Tuscany. Im (sorry about my punctuation, but I cant find the apostrophe on this keyboard...) living in a small hotel currently--we move in with our families this Wednesday--but the food they provide is excellent. Its a good way to meet everybody in the program, since well be living apart from each other during the first leg of this program.

Our first day of classes was today. We have four hours of intensive Italian in the morning (so I now know the vocabulary for everything in the classroom), then a break for lunch (which consisted of an amazing sandwich at a teeny cafe down this ridiculously tiny street that was only 3 euros including a bottle of water), and then we had orientation with our program director in the afternoon. Neil and I tried to go to the library to get Internet access, but that was a bust. So now Im here amongst the foreigners!

Ill let you know more after Ive been here a bit longer, but so far Im having a great time aside from my homesickness. Im sure that will pass once I get used to everything. Once I take some pictures, Ill link to them from flickr (if at all possible). Its been really rainy and gross here, so I havent taken my camera out with me. Santa Maria Novella is right down the block from the pensione, and Ive seen the Duomo a good many times. (Its HUGE.) Anyway, my time is running out here, so I have to say ciao for now.


slowbee said...

I miss you dearly, deary! Already I am jealous of the many delicious HAMS you will eat (or prosciutto; even better). I hope hope hope you will keep us updated on your foodie adventures in addition to your art adventures.

Tell me something sexy in Italian.


Ellen said...

er... today we learned how to say "to smell" and I said "Noi annusiamo i cavalli" (We smell the horses). Apparently that was the wrong usage and my teacher had a good laugh about it. So... I changed it to "Noi annusiamo i fiori" (we smell the flowers). Not so sexy, but I did buy Nutella at the market today speaking only in Italian! ("Quanto costa Nutella? Due Euro? Grazie!")