Monday, February 4, 2008

International Intrigue

I. Saturday

It rained throughout the entire weekend. The backs of all my pants are covered in the mud I kicked up because I thought that, despite the rain, I'd go for a nice long walk on Saturday. I don't regret going (only that my shoes might start to rot, since they haven't been dry for about four days now...), because I not only discovered the location of the Specola, but encountered some of the Florentine wildlife. This might not be true, but I convinced myself that Florence is just as pretty wet as it is dry. (There are certain things you tell yourself when almost everyday is marred by pouring rain.) I think that the Florentines don't mind the rain, because there were boaters out on the Arno. They might even like the rain more than shine, because I've never seen rowers on the river before.

And to prove that it really was raining, you can see the drops in the river.

And what interesting creatures they have here! The geese have bright orange feet and beaks. Their seagulls are tiny, and this large rodent (perhaps muskrat?) enjoyed poking around in the mud. I thought it was a beaver at first, but its tail, as you can see, is thin. Weird!

Anyway, I walked all up and down the Arno. Going out in the rain has its advantages, because you don't have to look out for other people on the tiny sidewalks. But you do have to look out for the occasional pedestrian's umbrella, because nobody really worries about poking strangers in the eye until it happens to them. But the ultimate lesson I learned on Saturday is that rain boots in Florence are essential.

II. Sunday

Really nothing much got done on Sunday, but it's going to be the majority of this post because we went to an International parade that was--I think--for Carnivale. There were more than 30 countries represented. Despite the different nations represented, somehow the notion of a very colorful, loud and diverse parade typifies Italy to me. Well, here are the best 40 of about 100 shots I took! (And they should be in order. I'll give the country when I can remember.) I think this is supposed to be China, followed closely by Italy:



These people were singing a song about Pippi Longstocking, and behind them there was a small train full of children. I have no idea what country they were from, but the song was cute.

I know that this picture is way too blurry to consider as a good photo, but I just love their faces!

Another unknown country, but really cool costumes and tricks!

Colombia was very well represented:

Without a doubt the best picture I took all day (and it was a half-accident!):




I think this group is still from Ecuador, but the flag behind them may or may not be the flag of Ecuador...

And during a lull in the parade I took pictures of some Italians:

I cannot recall this last country (it might have been Bolivia), but they were quite the finale. Their costumes were by far the most fabulous of the entire parade. (Well, ok, not necessarily the parrot.)

I felt like such a little kid--I couldn't stop grinning the entire time. We were really tempted to join in at the end and represent the United States, but then decided against it. We went to McDonald's to celebrate our culture instead. (Actually, I didn't order anything because I went to the bus station and for the first time in my life paid to use the bathroom... BECAUSE the bathrooms in McDonald's were too disgusting.)


slowbee said...

I know when I think Finland, I sure as hell think SILLY STRING.

Ellen said...

It actually wasn't silly string... it was this compressed foam that they sprayed all over the people on the sidelines. Poor Hannah got it all in her hair. I was lucky to turn away so they didn't screw up my camera lens...! Perhaps this stuff is manufactured in Finland...